General Library Regulations
1. The National Palace Museum Library (hereinafter "Library") respects the rights of the public to equal and free access to information. Furthermore, in consideration of the research and professional needs of Museum staff, reading rules for the Library have been established to provide a set of standards for the reading room services of books and periodicals.
2. Admission is via a Library card, which can be applied for upon presentation of a valid I.D. or a passport.
3. Library hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. The Library is closed on Sundays, national holidays and public holidays. During the opening hours, the general public and Museum staff may enter the Library with a valid Library card or staff ID.
4. Readers may only bring in stationery items, such as pen and paper, and their mobile phone, tablet computers, notebook computers, or e-reader and other information communication devices. Other items must be placed in storage lockers in the lobby. Readers who have special needs and would like to bring in other items should first ask for permission from personnel at the Library information desk and register. All items of value are the sole responsibility of the patron. All items brought into the Library must be removed upon leaving for the day. Information desk personnel reserve the right to inspect all items brought in or out of the Library.
5. All general books, periodicals, photographs, and non-book materials in the open stacks are available for use by readers, but they cannot be taken out of the Library. If a patron is found to have taken Library materials out of the Library without permission, the library may suspend its reading rights for three months to one year, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances.
6. Proper handling and use of Library facilities and materials is required of readers at all times for the benefit of all users. Anyone found to willfully damage, mark, or deface Library materials will be liable for purchasing the original books and periodicals, and should not be replaced by photocopies. If the circumstances of the damage to the hardware facilities are serious, the Library may suspend their library privileges for one year in addition to reporting to the police for handling.
7. Readers are not allowed to smoke, drink, eat, or chew gum in the reading room.
8. When using Library computers to search the Library catalogues and databases, readers are not allow to linking to Internet bulletin boards or chat rooms, sending or receiving personal e-mail, browsing websites of a pornographic nature, or playing computer games, or other purposes that violate the information security of our Museum.
9. Readers should remain quiet in the reading room, devices such as mobile phones, tablet computers, notebook computers, e-readers and other information communication equipments that may affect other readers, the acoustic response should be adjusted to the minimum to maintain indoor tranquility.
10. If the reader violates the Articles 7 to 9, and the violation is serious, the Library may suspend his or her reading rights if he refuses to listen to the persuasion.
11. Readers who remove Library materials from the shelves should place them on the book carts provided or on reading desks after use, so that Library staff can return them to their proper location.
12. Readers may use the equipment of the library to copy and reproduce materials, and the charges shall be handled in accordance with the "National Palace Museum Materials Reading, Copying and Photocopying Charges Standards". If the library determines that the materials are in poor condition (such as fragile paper, damaged, or page-off, etc.) or the binding is likely to be damaged, the copy or reproduction of the materials is not allowed.
Passed in the 24th Museum meeting on 25 December 2002
Passed in the 7th Museum meeting on 9 April 2008
Passed in the 8th Museum meeting on 14 August 2019
Passed in the 6th Museum meeting on 16 June 2021
Passed in the 11th Museum meeting on 17 November 2021
Last updated on: 2022-05-13
- Library Card Application Form